2023-24 Provincial Board of Directors

President: Debra Barrett

President—Elect: Liz Chongva

Office Administrator:  Mallory Makinson

Regional Representatives:

Eastern: Jacqueline Chartrand

Southwest: Vacant

Northwest: Vacant

Wpg.-Interlake: Gisela Nolting

Acting Home Ec (MAHA): Ann Mandziuk

Manitoba Agriculture Representative: Thelma Blahey

WI Canada/FWIC Provincial Representative: Denise Joss

Manitoba Gov’t Appointed Member: Heather Cummings

Manitoba Gov’t Appointed Member: Michele Gurman



Manitoba Women’s Institute (MWI) operates under an umbrella structure of a provincial board as directed in the Constitution and Bylaws. To see our Bylaw please click here: MWI Bylaw 2021

The provincial board serves to co-ordinate the activities of the organization on a provincial scale and link with other provincial, national, and international organizations.

Local institutes serve members in local communities or local geographic areas.

Membership in Manitoba Women’s Institute (MWI) brings with it affiliation with the national Federated Women’s Institutes of Canada (FWIC) and group membership with the international Associated Country Women of the World (ACCW).