JANUARY Snippets
~ The planning committee for the Provincial AGM would like to remind members of the Tweedsmuir, Senator Cairine Wilson and Past President’s competitions. The November 2016 Institute News had information on the Tweedsmuir and Past President’s competitions. The January 2017 Institute News had information on the Senator Wilson competition.
~ The deadline for the Past President’s Competition has been moved to March 1, 2018. Entries are to be sent directly to Marie Kenny.
~ If you are considering entering the Tweedsmuir or Wilson competitions, please have your items ready to bring to your Regional AGM. They will be collected and judged prior to the April 28 AGM.
~ A reminder about the 2—$750 MWI scholarships available to students. Please share this information with young people in your community. To apply have them check out the link: http://www.redriverex.com/scholarships/
~ Voting is closed for the second Facebook photo contest. Check out the Winter Wonderland/Christmas photos. I wonder what the subject of the next photo contest will be???
~ The Restructure Committee is asking for a discussion about restructure to take place at each upcoming Regional Board meeting and then your regions rep on the committee can bring your ideas and concerns to the next Restructure Committee meeting.
~ July 12-15, 2018 will see Manitoba host WI members from across Canada at the FWIC Triennium Convention. Are you making plans to attend?